Download Vietnam History: Stories Retold For A New Generation - Expanded Edition, by Hien V. Ho, Chat V. Dang
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Vietnam History: Stories Retold For A New Generation - Expanded Edition, by Hien V. Ho, Chat V. Dang

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For English readers wishing to learn more about Vietnamese history and culture, the choices are abundant. However, while countless memoirs have been written by Americans about their unique experiences during the Vietnam War, an informative English text about the History of Vietnam written by Vietnamese-Americans is still a rare encounter. Able to peruse French, English, and Vietnamese writings, the authors have committed themselves to produce a book with abundant illustrations that addresses select aspects of Vietnamese history and culture for the new generations. There is no intent to refight old battles or to appeal to cultural pride, just stories, as unbiased and documented as possible, about a country and its people that deeply impacted America. Each of the authors may have shown a certain professional bias. The surgeon (Dang) uses a more dissecting and analytical approach in his treatment of complex topics (e.g. reviewing the whole Vietnam history in one chapter and analyzing the Viet identity in another) or national heroes (e.g. General Ly Thuong Kiet, author of the first Vietnamese Declaration of Independence; General Tran Hung Dao, who vanquished the Mongols; Le Loi in his 10-year struggle against the Ming occupation army). On the other hand, the pediatrician (Ho) tends to choose younger, lesser heroes (e.g. Lady Trieu instead of the famous Trung Sisters), notable either for their precocity (e.g. Ky Dong who became Gauguin’s friend; Cao Thang who manufactured firearms; Le Quy Don with his presence of mind and erudition) or their exceptional position at a turning point of history (e.g. Little Prince Canh who met Thomas Jefferson and Queen Marie Antoinette in Paris at a period when revolutions occurred in the US, France and Vietnam; exiled King Duy Tan who supported Charles de Gaulle and fought as a Major in the Free French navy during World War II). A few chapters use original sources: old French documents pertaining to the conditions of Vietnam when first exposed to the West and the Christian religion in the 17th century, and when falling prey to French colonialism in the second half of the 19th century. The book also includes reviews of Vietnamese Buddhism, traditional medicine, firearms, and astronomy in the Middle Age. It concludes with an assessment of the recent adaptation of the Vietnamese diaspora to its new life in America.
- Sales Rank: #208299 in Books
- Published on: 2012-02-14
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x .89" w x 7.00" l, 1.43 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 394 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
A country too much known by its wars, but less by its long, rich, complex, and sometimes glorious history. Read with pleasure.
By Toto
BOOK REVIEW (GEORGE NGUYEN CAO DUC from Lycee Jean Jacques Rousseau Alumni Association; English version will appear following article in French)
VIETNAM HISTORY - Stories retold for a new generation -
2012 Createspace, LLC - South Carolina ISBN-10: 1468186337 (paperback)
Ne sont pas très nombreux les livres sur le Vietnam dont le but annoncé est de transmettre le savoir sur l'histoire du Vietnam aux enfants de l'auteur ou des auteurs, «stories retold for a new generation », au sein de la diaspora vietnamienne. Et c'est le cas du présent livre, rédigé à plusieurs mains. Livre ou compilation d'articles? La question est clairement résolue, une fois le livre abordé. Soyons explicites immédiatement : il ne s'agit pas ici d'un livre d'histoire au sens normal du terme. Les auteurs ne sont d'ailleurs pas des historiens, mais des médecins. Dans le monde anglo-saxon par rapport au monde francophone et pour des raisons historiques, assez peu de gens sont férus d'histoire du Vietnam, non point par manque d'intérêt, au contraire, mais par le nombre restreint d'ouvrages complets disponibles en anglais dans ce domaine. Et c'est l'explication de la structure du livre, d'ailleurs annoncée dans son titre-même, et que j'ai pu lire avec plaisir. C'est un livre de présentations courtes - ce qui ne veut pas dire incomplètes - sur tel ou tel point d'orgue de l'histoire d'un pays trop connu par les guerres, mais moins par une
longue histoire riche, complexe, et parfois glorieuse. Le tout rassemblé sur plus de 360 pages très adéquatement illustrées et bien annotées. Ces annotations, comme les sources bien mentionnées, montrent le souci d'exactitude et de recherche des auteurs.
L'ouvrage commence par l'évocation de Dame Triệu Thị Trinh, en vietnamien Bà Triệu, au début du 3è siècle. Il se termine par le portrait de l'empereur Duy Tân qui s'est révolté au début du 20è siècle contre la présence française, portrait suivi de 4 sections dédiées aux mandarins traditionnels (ancienne caste administrative du pays jusqu'au début du 20è siècle), au bouddhisme vietnamien, à l'évolution de l'identité vietnamienne et à l'adaptation des Vietnamiens exilés en Amérique à leur nouvelle patrie les USA. Le tout est introduit par un très bon texte, initialement écrit en 2008, « Vietnam, an old and new nation », qui a été repris par de nombreux sites internet, dont celui de l'AEJJR.Tout au long du livre, on croise les noms connus des acteurs de l'histoire vietnamienne, Dame Trịệu certes, mais également les soeurs Trưng, Ngô Quyền, Trần Hưng Đạo, Lê Lơi, Lê Văn Duyệt, Nguyễn Tri Phương, Phan Thanh Giản, pour ne citer qu'eux, sans omettre Nguyễn Công Trứ, Nguyễn Trải, Trương Vĩnh Ký et tant d'autres personnages. Et sans oublier quelques points généraux sur l'apparition du christianisme au Vietnam, la médecine traditionnelle vietnamienne (les auteurs du livre sont médecins, rappelons-le), ou la technologie militaire de l'ancien empire vietnamien.
Cette succession de 28 présentations (ou d'articles ou de chapitres , comme on veut) bénéficiant d'une mise en page très claire se lit d'une seule traite, sans ennui, ce qui est positif. Elle a le désavantage néanmoins de casser la fluidité de l'ensemble, et le lecteur a l'impression de parcourir un numéro spécial de la revue Historia dédié au Vietnam, ce qui n'est pas une critique car la vulgarisation de l'histoire est un art difficile. A la décharge donc des auteurs, il s'agit ici d'ici de « chapitres historiques », et non d'histoire classique, et ceci explique cela.
Pour terminer sur ce livre et pour ma part, tout en laissant aux lecteurs le soin de trancher sur le style personnel des deux auteurs principaux, je ne regrette qu'une chose : l'absence d'un article sur les raisons pour lesquelles le Vietnam a succombé face à l'intrusion française au 19è siècle, prélude à son histoire contemporaine plus que mouvementée. Regret minime face à l'objectif atteint par les auteurs : transmettre aux jeunes générations anglophones la connaissance de l'histoire du pays de leurs pères. Compliment donc aux deux principaux auteurs (Hien V. Ho et Chât V. Dang) et aux 2 contributeurs Dennis Chu et Stephen V. Ho, dans l'attente d'une traduction en français de l'ouvrage, le même problème d'information des jeunes Français d'origine vietnamienne se posant de ce côté-ci de l'Atlantique.
VIETNAM HISTORY - Stories retold for a new generation -
2012 CreateSpace, LLC - South Carolina ISBN-10: 1468186337 (paperback)
In the Vietnamese diaspora, few books about Vietnam have their authors state that their main purpose is to transmit knowledge about the country to their own children. And this is the case with this multiple-authored book. Is this a book or a compilation of articles. The question is clearly resolved as soon as one starts the reading.
Let's make it clear right now: this is not a history book in the stricter definition of the term. Besides, its authors are not historians but doctors. Compared to the French speaking world, there are fewer English speaking enthusiasts of Vietnamese history, not because of lack of interest though, but because there is a lack of comprehensive works in English in this field. And this point, announced in the book's title itself, explains the structure of this book, that I have read with pleasure.
It is a book of short- but not incomplete- presentations, highlights of the history of a country too much known by its wars, but less by its long, rich, complex, and sometimes glorious history. All this together in over 360 pages and very adequately illustrated and well annotated. These annotations, as well the sources mentioned, show the authors' concern for accuracy and research effort.
The book begins by evoking Lady Trieu Thi Trinh ( in Vietnamese Ba Trieu), at the beginning of the 3rd century. It ends with the portrait of Emperor Duy Tan who in the early 20th century revolted against the French; followed by 4 sections dedicated to traditional mandarins (former administrative caste of the country until the early 20th century); Vietnamese Buddhism; evolution of the Vietnamese identity; and adaptation of Vietnamese exiles in America to their new home in the USA. The whole is introduced by a very good text, originally written in 2008, "Vietnam, an old and new nation," which has been used by many websites, including that of the AEJJR (Jean Jacques Rousseau High School Alumni Association).
Throughout the book, we meet the big-name actors of Vietnamese history. Lady Trieu certainly, but also the Trưng sisters, Ngo Quyen ,Tran Hung Dao, Le Loi, Le Van Duyet, Nguyen Tri Phuong, Phan Thanh Gian, to name a few. Without omitting Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Trai, and Truong Vinh Ky as well as other characters. And not to forget some general articles about the emergence of Christianity in Vietnam, traditional Vietnamese medicine (remember that the book's authors are doctors), or the military technology of the former Vietnamese Empire.
This series of 28 presentations (or articles or chapters as you may want to call them) benefitting from a very clear layout, can be read in one sitting without being boring, which is something positive. However, it has the disadvantage of breaking the flow of the whole, and the reader has the impression of going through a special issue of the magazine Historia dedicated to Vietnam, which is not to be taken critically, because popularization of history is a difficult art. Therefore, in defense of the authors, we have here "historical chapters" and not classic history, and this explains it.
To conclude on this book and for my part, while leaving it to readers to decide on the personal styles of the two principal authors, I regret only one thing: the lack of an article on why Vietnam succumbed to the French invasion in the 19th century, as a prelude to its more than eventful contemporary history. Minimal regret, considering the goal achieved by the authors in conveying to younger English speaking generations the knowledge of the history of the land of their fathers. Therefore, congratulations to the two main authors (Hien V. Ho and Chat V. Dang) and the two contributors Dennis Chu and Stephen V. Ho, while waiting for a French translation of the book, as the French youth of Vietnamese origin have the same information problem on this side of the Atlantic.
G.N.C.D. (JJR65)
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Got here right on time and was everything I expected.
By Stephen Margelony-Lajoie
It's hard to find scholarly and historic accounts of Vietnam's history that don't focus all of their attention on the Vietnam War. Trust me, Vietnam's rich history has much more to add than war. I don't regret this purchase at all.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A different perspective on the history of Vietnam
By jeff wade
I have read several other of the authors' works and this a great continuation. As it is drawn from English, Vietnamese and French sources it has a wide perspective on a country most Americans and even many second generation Vietnamese Americans are not that familiar with.
See all 5 customer reviews...
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[V382.Ebook] Download Vietnam History: Stories Retold For A New Generation - Expanded Edition, by Hien V. Ho, Chat V. Dang Doc
[V382.Ebook] Download Vietnam History: Stories Retold For A New Generation - Expanded Edition, by Hien V. Ho, Chat V. Dang Doc
[V382.Ebook] Download Vietnam History: Stories Retold For A New Generation - Expanded Edition, by Hien V. Ho, Chat V. Dang Doc